Product Description
We are offering a quality assured range of Butterfly Valves to the clients. The offered valves are developed with the help of innovative techniques by using cat iron and stainless steel. These are used for isolating or regulating flow. The closing mechanism takes the form of a disk and the operation is similar to that of a ball valve, which allows for quick shut off. In addition, the offered Butterfly Valves are highly appreciated among the clients for their excellent performance.
Features of Butterfly Valves:
- Dimensional accuracy
- High tensile strength
- Easy installation
BUTTERFLY VALVE (Wafer -Type Center Disc 2 Piece Design Buttefly Valve With Handle / Worm Gear Operated )
Model :TECO
Desyii .Cerilri Disc Butterfly Valve wilfi a PTFE Lined Body
Size Kan^e :2 lo M
Matenal ct Ccrstnjcton:
Body :Cast Iron/ Ductile Iron I Carbon Steel'Stainless Stell Cf8,CF8M
Disc :CF8 / CF8M / CF3M / SGI / PTFE CoatedNylon Coated / Pcwder Coated
Seat :PIFb
Shaft :AISI 410 / CF8 / CF8MI C.FM
Seat T>pe lined with Body
PRESSURE RATiNG PN 10 / PN 16(On Request)
Fnrt Connftction Wafer Sanrtoirbedll ug type On Request)
Drum Type Safety Valve
Model :DRF
Size Range :2" to 24"
Material of Construction:
Body :C.I. I Ductile Iron / Bronze / Stainless Steel
Piston :S.S.304 /S.S.316
Seat :Buna N (Water) I PTFE / Viton (Steam)
Pressure Rating :0.2 - 13 Kg^cm2 4-12 Kg/cm2
Max. Inlet Pressure C.l. Body -13 Kg'cm2 WCB / S.S. Body -13 Kg/cm2
End Connection .FLANGED END
FEP / PFA Lined Buttefly Valve With Handle / Worm Gear Operated |
Wfttl | FFP-SGI |
Vatrt Design | :Centrlc Disc Butterfly Valve with a PTFE Lined Body |
SiaRarge | :2" To 12* |
Vanns! c/CxjtnjctEfi |
3o3y | :Cast Iron ASTM A126 Class B(EEP,'PFA Lined)/ Ductile Iron ASTM A536 |
| Grad? 65-45-12;FEP,PFA Unedl / Calcn Steel ASTM A216 G-ade WCBiFEPiPFA Lnied) |
| 1 Stainless Sreel ASTM A351 Cirade CFR/CF8M(FFP/PFA I inad) |
Disc | :CF8/CF8M/CF3M(FEP/PFA Lined) |
Seat | :FEP / PFA Lined |
Shsft | :AISI 410 /CF8/CF8M/CF3M(FEP/PFA Lined) |
Seat | :FEP / PFA Lined |
SeatTyM | :Lined With Body |
Pmwire Ratng | PN 10/PN Ifi (On Renuest) |
EmCcrredcr | :Wafer Sandv/ltched (Lug type On Request) |
Drum Type Solenoid Valve
Model :DSF
Size Range :2"T0 24
Material of Construction:
Body :C.I. I Ductile Iron / Bronze / Stainless Steel
Piston :S.S.304 / S.S.316
Seat :Buna - N (Water) / PTFE / Viton (Steam)
Seat And Seal :PTFE (GFT / CFT is available on request)
Pressure Rating :1 ~ 6 kgf/cm2,4-10 kgf/cm2,8-13 kgf/cm2
Working Temp. -15-100 C, 100 -180 4C (For steam)
End Connection :FLANGED END
Fire Safe Desian is Available